Results for 'Are They Constructed Mathematically—Deductively'

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  1. The Order and Connection of Things.Are They Constructed Mathematically—Deductively - forthcoming - Kant Studien.
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    "The Order and Connection of Things" - Are They Constructed Mathematically-Deductively According to Spinoza?Amihud Gilead - 1985 - Kant Studien 76 (1-4):72-78.
  3.  32
    Rationality in Mathematical Proofs.Yacin Hamami & Rebecca Lea Morris - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (4):793-808.
    Mathematical proofs are not sequences of arbitrary deductive steps—each deductive step is, to some extent, rational. This paper aims to identify and characterize the particular form of rationality at play in mathematical proofs. The approach adopted consists in viewing mathematical proofs as reports of proof activities—that is, sequences of deductive inferences—and in characterizing the rationality of the former in terms of that of the latter. It is argued that proof activities are governed by specific norms of rational planning agency, and (...)
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  4. Social Construction, Mathematics, and the Collective Imposition of Function onto Reality.Julian C. Cole - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (6):1101-1124.
    Stereotypes of social construction suggest that the existence of social constructs is accidental and that such constructs have arbitrary and subjective features. In this paper, I explore a conception of social construction according to which it consists in the collective imposition of function onto reality and show that, according to this conception, these stereotypes are incorrect. In particular, I argue that the collective imposition of function onto reality is typically non-accidental and that the products of such imposition frequently have non-arbitrary (...)
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    Kant's Transcendental Deduction by Alison Laywine. [REVIEW]Katherine Dunlop - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (1):162-164.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Kant's Transcendental Deduction by Alison LaywineKatherine DunlopAlison Laywine. Kant's Transcendental Deduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. iv + 318. Hardback, $80.00.Alison Laywine's contribution to the rich literature on Kant's "Transcendental Deduction of the Categories" stands out for the novelty of its approach and conclusions. Laywine's declared "strategy" is "to compare and contrast" the Deduction with the Duisburg Nachlaß, an important set of manuscript jottings from the 1770s (...)
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    Dialogue games and deductive information: a dialogical account of the concept of virtual information.Bruno Ramos Mendonça - 2023 - Synthese 202 (3):1-31.
    There is a broad debate in contemporary philosophy of logic on the informativeness of proofs. In this context, informative proofs are demonstrations whose premises do not include the content of the conclusion. D’Agostino and Floridi (Synthese 167(2):271–315, 2009) claimed that proofs are informative if they use _virtual information_. In their terminology, this is the data carried by _dischargeable hypotheses_, assumptions entertained during proof and eliminated before concluding. Although these authors capture several cases of informative demonstrations, they do not (...)
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    The link between deductive reasoning and mathematics.Kinga Morsanyi, Teresa McCormack & Eileen O'Mahony - 2018 - Thinking and Reasoning 24 (2):234-257.
    Recent studies have shown that deductive reasoning skills are related to mathematical abilities. Nevertheless, so far the links between mathematical abilities and these two forms of deductive inference have not been investigated in a single study. It is also unclear whether these inference forms are related to both basic maths skills and mathematical reasoning, and whether these relationships still hold if the effects of fluid intelligence are controlled. We conducted a study with 87 adult participants. The results showed that transitive (...)
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  8. Discourse Grammars and the Structure of Mathematical Reasoning III: Two Theories of Proof,.John Corcoran - 1971 - Journal of Structural Learning 3 (3):1-24.
    ABSTRACT This part of the series has a dual purpose. In the first place we will discuss two kinds of theories of proof. The first kind will be called a theory of linear proof. The second has been called a theory of suppositional proof. The term "natural deduction" has often and correctly been used to refer to the second kind of theory, but I shall not do so here because many of the theories so-called are not of the second kind-- (...) must be thought of either as disguised linear theories or theories of a third kind (see postscript below). The second purpose of this part is 25 to develop some of the main ideas needed in constructing a comprehensive theory of proof. The reason for choosing the linear and suppositional theories for this purpose is because the linear theory includes only rules of a very simple nature, and the suppositional theory can be seen as the result of making the linear theory more comprehensive. CORRECTION: At the time these articles were written the word ‘proof’ especially in the phrase ‘proof from hypotheses’ was widely used to refer to what were earlier and are now called deductions. I ask your forgiveness. I have forgiven Church and Henkin who misled me. (shrink)
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  9. Quantum mechanical unbounded operators and constructive mathematics – a rejoinder to Bridges.Geoffrey Hellman - 1997 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 26 (2):121-127.
    As argued in Hellman (1993), the theorem of Pour-El and Richards (1983) can be seen by the classicist as limiting constructivist efforts to recover the mathematics for quantum mechanics. Although Bridges (1995) may be right that the constructivist would work with a different definition of 'closed operator', this does not affect my point that neither the classical unbounded operators standardly recognized in quantum mechanics nor their restrictions to constructive arguments are recognizable as objects by the constructivist. Constructive substitutes that may (...)
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    Constructive Realism in Mathematics.Ilkka Niiniluoto - 2015 - In Asa Hirvonen, Juha Kontinen, Roman Kossak & Andres Villaveces (eds.), Logic Without Borders: Essays on Set Theory, Model Theory, Philosophical Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 339-354.
    Traditional classifications of the main schools in the philosophy of mathematics are based upon two questionable presuppositions. First, it is assumed that a realist, who wishes to defend objective truth values of mathematical statements, has to be either a Platonist or a physicalist. Secondly, a constructivist, who regards mathematical entities as human constructs rather than pre-existing objects, has to be either a subjective mentalist or an objective idealist. In contrast to these alternatives and their many variants, this paper argues that (...)
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  11. A Piagetian perspective on mathematical construction.Michael A. Arbib - 1990 - Synthese 84 (1):43 - 58.
    In this paper, we offer a Piagetian perspective on the construction of the logico-mathematical schemas which embody our knowledge of logic and mathematics. Logico-mathematical entities are tied to the subject's activities, yet are so constructed by reflective abstraction that they result from sensorimotor experience only via the construction of intermediate schemas of increasing abstraction. The axiom set does not exhaust the cognitive structure (schema network) which the mathematician thus acquires. We thus view truth not as something to be (...)
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  12.  20
    Constructivity and Predicativity: Philosophical Foundations.Laura Crosilla - 2016 - Dissertation, University of Leeds
    The thesis examines two dimensions of constructivity that manifest themselves within foundational systems for Bishop constructive mathematics: intuitionistic logic and predicativity. The latter, in particular, is the main focus of the thesis. The use of intuitionistic logic affects the notion of proof : constructive proofs may be seen as very general algorithms. Predicativity relates instead to the notion of set: predicative sets are viewed as if they were constructed from within and step by step. The first part of (...)
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    Mathematical constructivism in spacetime.Geoffrey Hellman - 1998 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 49 (3):425-450.
    To what extent can constructive mathematics based on intuitionistc logic recover the mathematics needed for spacetime physics? Certain aspects of this important question are examined, both technical and philosophical. On the technical side, order, connectivity, and extremization properties of the continuum are reviewed, and attention is called to certain striking results concerning causal structure in General Relativity Theory, in particular the singularity theorems of Hawking and Penrose. As they stand, these results appear to elude constructivization. On the philosophical side, (...)
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    Hume on the social construction of mathematical knowledge.Tamás Demeter - unknown - Synthese 196 (9):3615-3631.
    Mathematics for Hume is the exemplary field of demonstrative knowledge. Ideally, this knowledge is a priori as it arises only from the comparison of ideas without any further empirical input; it is certain because demonstration consist of steps that are intuitively evident and infallible; and it is also necessary because the possibility of its falsity is inconceivable as it would imply a contradiction. But this is only the ideal, because demonstrative sciences are human enterprises and as such they are (...)
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  15. Methods and theories in the experimental analysis of behavior.B. F. Skinner - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (4):511-523.
    We owe most scientific knowledge to methods of inquiry that are never formally analyzed. The analysis of behavior does not call for hypothetico-deductive methods. Statistics, taught in lieu of scientific method, is incompatible with major features of much laboratory research. Squeezing significance out of ambiguous data discourages the more promising step of scrapping the experiment and starting again. As a consequence, psychologists have taken flight from the laboratory. They have fled to Real People and the human interest of “real (...)
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    The relationship between the One and the Multiple in mystic philosophy is a profound and central theme that explores the nature of existence, the cosmos, and the divine. This theme is present in various mystical traditions, including those of the East and West, and it addresses the paradoxical coexistence of the unity and multiplicity of all things. -/- In mystic philosophy, the **One** often represents the ultimate reality, the source from which all things emanate and to which all things return. (...)
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    Deduction from if-then personality signatures.Jean-François Bonnefon - 2010 - Thinking and Reasoning 16 (3):157-171.
    Personality signatures are sets of if-then rules describing how a given person would feel or act in a specific situation. These rules can be used as the major premise of a deductive argument, but they are mostly processed for social cognition purposes; and this common usage is likely to leak into the way they are processed in a deductive reasoning context. It is hypothesised that agreement with a Modus Ponens argument featuring a personality signature as its major premise (...)
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    Constructions as the Subject Matter of Mathematics.Pavel Tichý - 1995 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 3:175-185.
    The vision informing 20th Century philosophy has been aptly described as one of a desert landscape. Philosophers behave as if in expectation of an ontological tax collector to whom they will owe the less the fewer entities they declare. The metaphysical purge is perpetrated under a banner emblazoned with Occam’s Razor. But Occam never counselled ontological genocide at all cost. He only cautioned against multiplying entities beyond necessity His Razor is thus in full harmony with the complementary principle, (...)
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  19.  13
    Introducing Philosophy of Mathematics.Michèle Friend - 2007 - Routledge.
    What is mathematics about? Does the subject-matter of mathematics exist independently of the mind or are they mental constructions? How do we know mathematics? Is mathematical knowledge logical knowledge? And how is mathematics applied to the material world? In this introduction to the philosophy of mathematics, Michele Friend examines these and other ontological and epistemological problems raised by the content and practice of mathematics. Aimed at a readership with limited proficiency in mathematics but with some experience of formal logic (...)
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  20.  59
    Mechanisms as Modal Patterns.Joseph Rouse - unknown
    Philosophical discussions of mechanisms and mechanistic explanation have often been framed by contrast to laws and deductive-nomological explanation. A more adequate conception of lawfulness and nomological necessity, emphasizing the role of modal considerations in scientific reasoning, circumvents such contrasts and enhances understanding of mechanisms and their scientific significance. The first part of the paper sketches this conception of lawfulness, drawing upon Haugeland, Lange, and Rouse. This conception emphasizes the role of lawful stability under relevant counterfactual suppositions in scientific reasoning across (...)
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  21.  62
    Proofs, Reliable Processes, and Justification in Mathematics.Yacin Hamami - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (4):1027-1045.
    Although there exist today a variety of non-deductive reliable processes able to determine the truth of certain mathematical propositions, proof remains the only form of justification accepted in mathematical practice. Some philosophers and mathematicians have contested this commonly accepted epistemic superiority of proof on the ground that mathematicians are fallible: when the deductive method is carried out by a fallible agent, then it comes with its own level of reliability, and so might happen to be equally or even less reliable (...)
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    When Grades Are High but Self-Efficacy Is Low: Unpacking the Confidence Gap Between Girls and Boys in Mathematics.Lysann Zander, Elisabeth Höhne, Sophie Harms, Maximilian Pfost & Matthew J. Hornsey - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:552355.
    Girls have much lower mathematics self-efficacy than boys, a likely contributor to the underrepresentation of women in STEM. To help explain this gender confidence gap, we examined predictors of mathematics self-efficacy in a sample of 1,007 9th graders aged 13–18 years (54.2% girls). Participants completed a standardized math test, after which they rated three indices of mastery: an affective component (state self-esteem), a meta-cognitive component (self-enhancement), and their prior math grade. Despite having similar grades, girls reported lower mathematics self-efficacy (...)
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    Précis of Deduction.Philip N. Johnson-Laird & Ruth M. J. Byrne - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):323-333.
    How do people make deductions? The orthodox view in psychology is that they use formal rules of inference like those of a “natural deduction” system.Deductionargues that their logical competence depends, not on formal rules, but on mental models. They construct models of the situation described by the premises, using their linguistic knowledge and their general knowledge. They try to formulate a conclusion based on these models that maintains semantic information, that expresses it parsimoniously, and that makes explicit (...)
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    “What Is the Teacher Trying to Teach Students if They Are All Busy Constructing Their Own Private Worlds?”: Introduction to the Special Issue.A. Riegler & L. P. Steffe - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (3):297-301.
    Context: Ernst von Glasersfeld introduced radical constructivism in 1974 as a new interpretation of Jean Piaget’s constructivism to give new meanings to the notions of knowledge, communication, and reality. He also claimed that RC would affect traditional theories of education. Problem: After 40 years it has become necessary to review and evaluate von Glasersfeld’s claim. Also, has RC been successful in taking the “social turn” in educational research, or is it unable to go beyond “private worlds? Method: We provide an (...)
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    (1 other version)Reasoning from Phenomena: Lessons from Newton.Jon Dorling - 1990 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1990:197 - 208.
    I argue that Newtonian-style deduction-from-the-phenomena arguments should only carry conviction when they yield unexpectedly simple conclusions. That in that case they do establish higher rational probabilities for the theories they lead to than for any known or easily constructible rival theories. However I deny that such deductive justifications yield high absolute rational probabilities, and argue that the history of physics suggests that there are always other not-yet-known simpler theories with higher rational probabilities on all the original evidence, (...)
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    Modernizing the philosophy of mathematics.Nicolas D. Goodman - 1991 - Synthese 88 (2):119 - 126.
    The distinction between analytic and synthetic propositions, and with that the distinction between a priori and a posteriori truth, is being abandoned in much of analytic philosophy and the philosophy of most of the sciences. These distinctions should also be abandoned in the philosophy of mathematics. In particular, we must recognize the strong empirical component in our mathematical knowledge. The traditional distinction between logic and mathematics, on the one hand, and the natural sciences, on the other, should be dropped. Abstract (...)
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    Scientific Models in Philosophy of Science.Daniela M. Bailer-Jones - 2009 - University of Pittsburgh Press.
    Scientists have used models for hundreds of years as a means of describing phenomena and as a basis for further analogy. In Scientific Models in Philosophy of Science, Daniela Bailer-Jones assembles an original and comprehensive philosophical analysis of how models have been used and interpreted in both historical and contemporary contexts. Bailer-Jones delineates the many forms models can take (ranging from equations to animals; from physical objects to theoretical constructs), and how they are put to use. She examines early (...)
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    Constructive Models.I͡Uriĭ Leonidovich Ershov - 2000 - Consultants Bureau. Edited by S. S. Goncharov.
    The theory of constructive (recursive) models follows from works of Froehlich, Shepherdson, Mal'tsev, Kuznetsov, Rabin, and Vaught in the 50s. Within the framework of this theory, algorithmic properties of abstract models are investigated by constructing representations on the set of natural numbers and studying relations between algorithmic and structural properties of these models. This book is a very readable exposition of the modern theory of constructive models and describes methods and approaches developed by representatives of the Siberian school of algebra (...)
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  29. Mathematical Inference and Logical Inference.Yacin Hamami - 2018 - Review of Symbolic Logic 11 (4):665-704.
    The deviation of mathematical proof—proof in mathematical practice—from the ideal of formal proof—proof in formal logic—has led many philosophers of mathematics to reconsider the commonly accepted view according to which the notion of formal proof provides an accurate descriptive account of mathematical proof. This, in turn, has motivated a search for alternative accounts of mathematical proof purporting to be more faithful to the reality of mathematical practice. Yet, in order to develop and evaluate such alternative accounts, it appears as a (...)
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    Crisis and Innovations: Are they Constructive or Destructive?Ewa Okoń-Horodyńska - 2021 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 66 (4):425-449.
    An interdisciplinary approach was used to analyse multicomplex issues of the Covid-19 crisis, demonstrated also by the Economics of innovation. The Economics of innovation is useful when analysing a unique feedback of megatrends and the emergence of liminal crisis innovations. The purpose of this paper is, in spite of many statements to the contrary, to prove that innovative activity may serve as the key to unlocking a post-crisis economic development. Analyses presented in the paper are based on the Polish and (...)
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    The language of the “Givens”: its forms and its use as a deductive tool in Greek mathematics.Fabio Acerbi - 2011 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 65 (2):119-153.
    The aim of this article is to present and discuss the language of the «givens», a typical stylistic resource of Greek mathematics and one of the major features of the proof format of analysis and synthesis. I shall analyze its expressive function and its peculiarities, as well as its general role as a deductive tool, explaining at the same time its particular applications in subgenres of a geometrical proposition like the locus theorems and the so-called «porisms». The main interpretative theses (...)
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  32. The Impact of the Paradigm of Complexity On the Foundational Frameworks of Biology and Cognitive Science.Alvaro Moreno - unknown
    According to the traditional nomological-deductive methodology of physics and chemistry [Hempel and Oppenheim, 1948], explaining a phenomenon means subsuming it under a law. Logic becomes then the glue of explanation and laws the primary explainers. Thus, the scientific study of a system would consist in the development of a logically sound model of it, once the relevant observables (state variables) are identified and the general laws governing their change (expressed as differential equations, state transition rules, maximization/minimization principles,. . . ) (...)
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  33.  40
    Is math real?: how simple questions lead us to mathematics' deepest truths.Eugenia Cheng - 2023 - New York: Basic Books.
    Where does math come from? From a textbook? From rules? From deduction? From logic? Not really, Eugenia Cheng writes in Is Math Real?: it comes from curiosity, from instinctive human curiosity, "from people not being satisfied with answers and always wanting to understand more." And most importantly, she says, "it comes from questions": not from answering them, but from posing them. Nothing could seem more at odds from the way most of us were taught math: a rigid and autocratic model (...)
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    Quantifying the World and Its Webs: Mathematical Discrete vs Continua in Knowledge Construction.Giuseppe Longo - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (6):63-72.
    This short paper is meant to be an introduction to the ‘Letter to Alan Turing’ that follows it. It summarizes some basic ideas in information theory and very informally hints at their mathematical properties. In order to introduce Turing’s two main theoretical contributions, in Theory of Computation and in Morphogenesis, the fundamental divide between discrete vs. continuous structures in mathematics is presented, as it is also a divide in his scientific life. The reader who is familiar with these notions, and (...)
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  35. Plans and planning in mathematical proofs.Yacin Hamami & Rebecca Lea Morris - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 14 (4):1030-1065.
    In practice, mathematical proofs are most often the result of careful planning by the agents who produced them. As a consequence, each mathematical proof inherits a plan in virtue of the way it is produced, a plan which underlies its “architecture” or “unity”. This paper provides an account of plans and planning in the context of mathematical proofs. The approach adopted here consists in looking for these notions not in mathematical proofs themselves, but in the agents who produced them. The (...)
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    Solving Smullyan Puzzles with Formal Systems.José Félix Costa & Diogo Poças - 2018 - Axiomathes 28 (2):181-199.
    Solving numeric, logic and language puzzles and paradoxes is common within a wide community of high school and university students, fact witnessed by the increasing number of books published by mathematicians such as Martin Gardner, Douglas Hofstadter [in one of the best popular science books on paradoxes ], inspired by Gödel’s incompleteness theorems), Patrick Hughes and George Brecht and Raymond M. Smullyan, inter alia. Books by Smullyan are, however, much more involved, since they introduce learning trajectories and strategies across (...)
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    Ontology of Mathematical Modeling Based on Interval Data.Mykola Dyvak, Andriy Melnyk, Artur Rot, Marcin Hernes & Andriy Pukas - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-19.
    An ontological approach as a tool for managing the processes of constructing mathematical models based on interval data and further use of these models for solving applied problems is proposed in this article. Mathematical models built using interval data analysis are quite effective in many applications, as they have “guaranteed” predictive properties, which are determined by the accuracy of experimental data. However, the application of mathematical modeling methods is complicated by the lack of software tools for the implementation of (...)
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    The Argument from Agreement and Mathematical Realism.Pieranna Garavaso - 1992 - Journal of Philosophical Research 17:173-187.
    Traditionally, in the philosophy of mathematics realists claim that mathematical objects exist independently of the human mind, whereas idealists regard them as mental constructions dependent upon human thought.It is tempting for realists to support their view by appeal to our widespread agreement on mathematical results. Roughly speaking, our agreement is explained by the fact that these results are about the same mathematical objects. It is alleged that the idealist’s appeal to mental constructions precludes any such explanation. I argue that realism (...)
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    “Clinging Stubbornly to the Antithesis of Assumptions”: On the Difference Between Hegel’s and Spinoza’s Systems of Philosophy.Daniel J. Smith - 2021 - Research in Phenomenology 51 (3):351-371.
    This essay re-examines Hegel’s critique of Spinoza’s Ethics, focusing on the question of method. Are the axioms and definitions unmotivated presuppositions that make the attainment of absolute knowledge impossible in principle, as Hegel charges? This essay develops a new reading of the Ethics to defend it from this critique. I argue that Hegel reads Spinoza as if his system were constructed only according to the mathematical second kind of knowledge, ignoring Spinoza’s clear preference for knowledge of the third kind. (...)
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    Supporting Mathematical Argumentation and Proof Skills: Comparing the Effectiveness of a Sequential and a Concurrent Instructional Approach to Support Resource-Based Cognitive Skills.Daniel Sommerhoff, Ingo Kollar & Stefan Ufer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    An increasing number of learning goals refer to the acquisition of cognitive skills that can be described as ‘resource-based,’ as they require the availability, coordination, and integration of multiple underlying resources such as skills and knowledge facets. However, research on the support of cognitive skills rarely takes this resource-based nature explicitly into account. This is mirrored in prior research on mathematical argumentation and proof skills: Although repeatedly highlighted as resource-based, for example relying on mathematical topic knowledge, methodological knowledge, mathematical (...)
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    Dedekind and Wolffian Deductive Method.José Ferreirós & Abel Lassalle-Casanave - 2022 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 53 (4):345-365.
    Dedekind’s methodology, in his classic booklet on the foundations of arithmetic, has been the topic of some debate. While some authors make it closely analogue to Hilbert’s early axiomatics, others emphasize its idiosyncratic features, most importantly the fact that no axioms are stated and its careful deductive structure apparently rests on definitions alone. In particular, the so-called Dedekind “axioms” of arithmetic are presented by him as “characteristic conditions” in the _definition_ of the complex concept of a _simply infinite_ system. Making (...)
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  42. Scientific Models in Philosophy of Science.Tarja Knuuttila - 2010 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 24 (4):437-440.
    Scientists have used models for hundreds of years as a means of describing phenomena and as a basis for further analogy. In Scientific Models in Philosophy of Science, Daniela Bailer-Jones assembles an original and comprehensive philosophical analysis of how models have been used and interpreted in both historical and contemporary contexts. Bailer-Jones delineates the many forms models can take (ranging from equations to animals; from physical objects to theoretical constructs), and how they are put to use. She examines early (...)
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    Mathematical proofs: a transition to advanced mathematics.Gary Chartrand - 2018 - Boston: Pearson. Edited by Albert D. Polimeni & Ping Zhang.
    For courses in Transition to Advanced Mathematics or Introduction to Proof. Meticulously crafted, student-friendly text that helps build mathematical maturity Mathematical Proofs: A Transition to Advanced Mathematics, 4th Edition introduces students to proof techniques, analyzing proofs, and writing proofs of their own that are not only mathematically correct but clearly written. Written in a student-friendly manner, it provides a solid introduction to such topics as relations, functions, and cardinalities of sets, as well as optional excursions into fields such as number (...)
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  44. Realizability models for constructive set theories with restricted induction principles.Laura Crosilla - unknown
    This thesis presents a proof theoretical investigation of some constructive set theories with restricted set induction. The set theories considered are various systems of Constructive Zermelo Fraenkel set theory, CZF ([1]), in which the schema of $\in$ - Induction is either removed or weakened. We shall examine the theories $CZF^\Sigma_\omega$ and $CZF_\omega$, in which the $\in$ - Induction scheme is replaced by a scheme of induction on the natural numbers (only for  formulas in the case of the first theory, (...)
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    Analogy and diagonal argument.Zbigniew Tworak - 2006 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 15 (1):39-66.
    In this paper, I try to accomplish two goals. The first is to provide a general characterization of a method of proofs called — in mathematics — the diagonal argument. The second is to establish that analogical thinking plays an important role also in mathematical creativity. Namely, mathematical research make use of analogies regarding general strategies of proof. Some of mathematicians, for example George Polya, argued that deductions is impotent without analogy. What I want to show is that there exists (...)
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    Znanost, družba, vrednote =.A. Ule - 2006 - Maribor: Založba Aristej.
    In this book, I will discuss three main topics: the roots and aims of scientific knowledge, scientific knowledge in society, and science and values I understand scientific knowledge as being a planned and continuous production of the general and common knowledge of scientific communities. I begin my discussion with a brief analysis of the main differences between sciences, on the one hand, and everyday experience, philosophies, religions, and ideologies, on the other. I define the concept of science as a set (...)
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    Domestication of Mathematical Pathologies.Jerzy Pogonowski - 2021 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 66 (3):709-720.
    Certain mathematical objects bear the name “pathological”. They either occur as unexpected and unwilling in mathematical research practice, or are constructed deliberately, for instance in order to delimit the scope of application of a theorem. I discuss examples of mathematical pathologies and the circumstances of their emergence. I focus my attention on the creative role of pathologies in the development of mathematics. Finally, I propose a few reflections concerning the degree of cognitive accessibility of mathematical objects. I believe (...)
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  48. Agent-Based Modeling: The Right Mathematics for the Social Sciences?Paul Borrill & Leigh Tesfatsion - 2011 - In J. B. Davis & D. W. Hands (eds.), Elgar Companion to Recent Economic Methodology. Edward Elgar Publishers. pp. 228.
    This study provides a basic introduction to agent-based modeling (ABM) as a powerful blend of classical and constructive mathematics, with a primary focus on its applicability for social science research. The typical goals of ABM social science researchers are discussed along with the culture-dish nature of their computer experiments. The applicability of ABM for science more generally is also considered, with special attention to physics. Finally, two distinct types of ABM applications are summarized in order to illustrate concretely the duality (...)
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    100% Mathematical Proof.Rowan Garnier & John Taylor - 1996 - John Wiley & Son.
    "Proof" has been and remains one of the concepts which characterises mathematics. Covering basic propositional and predicate logic as well as discussing axiom systems and formal proofs, the book seeks to explain what mathematicians understand by proofs and how they are communicated. The authors explore the principle techniques of direct and indirect proof including induction, existence and uniqueness proofs, proof by contradiction, constructive and non-constructive proofs, etc. Many examples from analysis and modern algebra are included. The exceptionally clear style (...)
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    Constructions of categories of setoids from proof-irrelevant families.Erik Palmgren - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (1-2):51-66.
    When formalizing mathematics in constructive type theories, or more practically in proof assistants such as Coq or Agda, one is often using setoids. In this note we consider two categories of setoids with equality on objects and show, within intensional Martin-Löf type theory, that they are isomorphic. Both categories are constructed from a fixed proof-irrelevant family F of setoids. The objects of the categories form the index setoid I of the family, whereas the definition of arrows differs. The (...)
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